DRAW Collective Welcomes Mark Scheller and Jeremy Beatty to our Leadership Team

DRAW Collective is pleased to announce that Mark Scheller and Jeremy Beatty have joined the firm’s leadership team. Mark and Jeremy served as Principals of Eckles Architecture prior to our merger and bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experience. Our firm is now guided by Principals with over 100 years of combined experience in architectural design and have worked on some of the finest learning environments in the area.

DRAW Collective Leadership Team

Our greatest assets have always been our people and the addition of Mark and Jeremy to our Leadership Team further builds on our foundation of designing places that matter, together. Our shared values and philosophies will continue to elevate the conversation around architecture and design while providing invaluable client service.

As we look to the future, we’re thrilled that our new colleagues will each play an integral role in shaping DRAW and strengthening our relationships with the communities we serve. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating their success and the defining characteristics that make them a welcomed addition to the team.




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